TOPS (Talent Onboarding and Performance System) Management Training Materials

University of New Haven TOPS logo

As a reminder, staff recruiting is first moving to TOPS, with faculty recruitment set to follow at a future date.

We hope this enhanced system provides a better user experience for both applicants and managers, and we welcome your feedback once you have a chance to begin using the system. Please contact Kai Hamilton or Angela Karachristos should you have any questions.

To access the new recruitment site, please use the following SSO link:

For further support, please reach out to the Technical Support Help Desk

The 5 Types of Onboarding You Should Be Doing | Performance Management | HR Grapevine | Insight

New hires meet with an HR Team member on their first day to complete their Employment Verification Form (I-9) and review benefit information. They will also be enrolled in an onboarding course through Canvas and be provided with two mandatory training sessions through LinkedIn and Vector Solutions. Additionally, a full orientation where new employees will have the opportunity to meet with Interim President Sheahon Zenger and other Cabinet members and HR staff to learn more about the University’s history and future. Student guided tours will also be available.

The following dates are avaiable start dates through the fiscal year:

July 10November 13     April 1    
July 24November 27April 15
August 7December 11April 29
Augst 21January 8May 13
September 5*January 22May 28*
September 18February 5June 10
October 2February 20*June 24
October 16March 4 
October 30March 18 

*Tuesdays due to Monday holiday

Please refer to your Hiring Manager’s Checklist for your new hires:

Hiring Manager’s Checklist

Click on the links below to gain access to training materials as well as previous training sessions. 

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1. A detailed general one-page guide on how to create a staff requisition (simple form):

*Please note this guide does not have instructions on how to enter information for the University of New Haven custom fields. 

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2. Step-by-step interactive IORAD training tutorials on how to use the ATS and other important steps: TOPS Requisition Creation Tutorial for Hiring Managers

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3. Recorded hiring manager training sessions:

a. Training Session I. RequisitionCreation. Candidate Review and Disposition 

b. Training Session II. Scheduling Candidates & the Offer Process

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