About Banner INB


Banner 9 Administrative Pages, the direct replacement for INB.    

  – Available only on the university network or via the VPN.

  – For security or to protect confidential information, you may be prompted to supply your username and password.

Banner 9 Administrative Pages (B9Admin) is the direct successor to INB as the user interface for core Banner administrative functions.
All INB screens (e.g. SFASRPO) were converted into HTML5 web application pages. Other features of B9Admin include:

  • Multi-browser support, including Chrome
  • Macintosh support
  • Java not required

Although INB is being deprecated it will continue to run for the next several weeks. B9Admin and INB run side-by-side. Information updates made in B9Admin are immediately visible in INB.

  – B9Admin is available only on the university network or via the VPN.

  – For security or to protect confidential information, you may be prompted to supply your username and password to access B9Admin.

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