Fire Sciences

To the civilian, fighting fires means turning the hose on them.  But vanquishing the raging beast that is a fire involves much more than that.  It takes considerable strategy, expert technique, an understanding of the science that governs it, plus a firm handle on how to prevent the beast from roaring forth in the first place.  Battling fire is a science, requiring a special breed of soldier — compassionate, fast thinking, calm under pressure, and of great physical stamina.  If you are that soldier, you can do no better than to get your degree at the University of New Haven, home of one of the largest, most comprehensive fire programs in the country.

Robert Healey, M.S.

Robert Healey, M.S.

Senior Lecturer

Echlin Hall 13A



Sorin Iliescu, Ed.D.Sorin Iliescu, Ed.D.

Assistant Professor and Chair

Echlin Hall 003
(203) 932-7239


Jing Li, Ph.D.Jing Li, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Echlin Hall 002
(203) 932-1197






Martin O'Connor, M. Div., J.D.Martin O’Connor, M. Div., J.D.

Associate Professor
Assistant Chair of Criminal Justice

A former chief of the New Haven Fire Department, Professor O’Connor is an attorney, an ordained deacon and campus chaplain. His research focuses on ethics in the criminal justice system.

South Campus Hall 205
(203) 931-6040


Bruce Varga, M.S.Bruce Varga, M.S.

Distinguished Lecturer

Echlin Hall 007
(203) 931-2942




Mariama Yakubu, Ph.D.Mariama Yakubu, Ph.D.


Echlin Hall Office 10

Echlin Hall 004

Department Secretary:
Shelly Padro

Department Chair:
Sorin Iliescu, Ed.D. 

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