Experiential Education

The Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Science offers its students exciting experiential education opportunities through unique and tailored co-op, internship, study abroad, service-learning, and faculty-based research programs. Our goal is to provide our students with opportunities for hands-on experience to acquire skills that will help them in their future careers. 

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Experiential education is one of the hallmarks of the University of New Haven’s approach to higher education. Our commitment to this pedagogy is demonstrated in virtually everything we do within the Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences.

 – Mario Gaboury, J.D., Ph.D.

Photograph of the Eiffel Tower

Henry C. Lee College has organized unique travel experiences hosted by a Lee College faculty member. The programs offer  a career-building experience toward a better understanding of the impact that global crime and the role other countries have on the comparative aspects of criminal justice in America.

Student talking with faculty advisor

Undergraduate research provides an excellent structure for the interaction of a mentor with a student and an important opportunity to put into practice the principles of experiential education.

Academic Service Learning

The goal of the Service-Learning Office at the University of New Haven is to assist students in developing into socially responsible and active citizens and to lead purposeful and fulfilling lives.


Internships offer an individualized educational experience through the study of a structured employment situation. University of New Haven students regularly partner with a wide variety of sponsors, including the U.S. Secret Service, Drug Enforcement Agency, the New Haven Police Department, the Connecticut Judicial Branch, and many more.


The Cooperative Work/Education Program (Co-op) is defined as a program that alternates periods of academic study with periods of work experience in the student’s field of study. The students participating in the Co-op experience will not learn only through observation but also by participating in meaningful work for the organization. 

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