2019-2020 Honors Thesis

NameTitle of ThesisThesis Advisor
Olivia AbbottThe Impact of Measure 11: Measuring the Dependency of Crime Rate on Sentencing PolicyMichael Lawlor
Marisa AnopolskyThe Supreme Court and the Application of LawJoshua Sandman
Jasmine BartholomewThe Ethical Implications of Unpaid Internships and its Effects on Members of Lower Socioeconomic ClassesKaren Redlich
Nicole BarulliHead Injury, Bully Victimization, and Depression as Predictors of Juvenile Gang InvolvementKendell Coker
Taylor BennettProjecting Soft Power: Film as Public Diplomacy under KennedyApril Yoder
Ife CampbellWhat Were They Thinking?: Factors Associated with False ConfessionsFadia Narchet
Rachael CapriGender, Crime Type, and DNA: Factors That May Affect the Compensation of the Wrongfully ConvictedMichael Lawlor
Rebecca CarloA Comparison of Homicide Victim and Offender Demographics and Their Relationship with Clearance RatesMaria Tcherni-Buzzeo
Caitlin CarneyMotivation Behind Behavior and Misbehavior: How University Conduct Processes Affect Students’ Motivation to Behave or MisbehaveJenna Sheffield
Ewa ChmielewskaThe Adoption Process for LGBTQ+ Couples: Current and Future ApproachesKaren Redlich
Christopher ConnerThe Impact of Small-Scale Wind Turbines in the Northeast RegionMaria-Isabel Carnasciali
Alexandria DrewesPresumptive Blood Testing on “Stain Proof” CarpetPeter Massey
Alexandra FarahExamining the Genetic Morphological Difference Between Bicuspid Aortic Valve and Tricuspid Aortic ValvesAli Senejani
Jessica FlynnLaw Enforcement’s Opinion on the Use of Genetic Genealogy in Criminal InvestigationsClaire Glynn
Wren FordStatistical Applications of Forensic BiologyDavid San Pietro
Megan GalanteImpact of High Profile Police Use of Force Incidents on Violent Crime RatesGiovanni Circo
Christina GenoveseThe Benefits of Greek Unity on College CampusesJenna Sheffield
Megan GeorgesComparison by State: The Implications of Domestic Violence Resources and Arrest Policies for Intimate Partner Femicide RatesMaria Tcherni-Buzzeo
Rachel GrazianoPublic Perception on the use of Investigative Genetic Genealogy (IGG) for Criminal InvestigationsClaire Glynn
Alanna HerskowitzBad Apples, Bad Barrels, or Both?: An Investigation of Overt Bias in PolicingKevin Barnes-Ceeney
Ashley HigginsAn Evaluation of College Student’s Knowledge about Title IX and Willingness to Report a Sexual AssaultLeila Dutton
Bethany HoscharEffect of 17α-ethynylestradiol on the Pupation Rate, Emergence Rate, and Sex Ratio of Phormia regina (Calliphoridae)R. Christopher O’Brien
Kendra KeenanDetection of Low Doses of Fentanyl in Acetaminophen Using Ion Mobility SpectrometryKoby Kizzire
Rachel KennedyDetection of miR-451 in Venous Blood Under Extreme Environmental ConditionsClaire Glynn
Jenna LuallenImpact of Denial of Sexual Offenses on Sentencing and Treatment StrategiesKevin Barnes-Ceeney
Maggie MahaneyPhotofading of Black Dyes in Cotton and Polyester Fibers Resulting From Environmental Exposure to SunlightVirginia Maxwell
Meghan MaharExploring Interdisciplinary Activities Supporting Music Industry CareersMaurice Cayer
Abbey MaloneyHow Gun Control Laws Affect HomicideMaria Tcherni-Buzzeo
Anna Dominique MarianoVarying Conditions of Aiptasia padilla and its Effect on the growth of Aeolidiella stephanieaeGail Hartnett
Shelby MillerThe Effects of Emotionally Appealing Messages on Perceptions About Marine Plastic Pollution: Implications for Science Communication on Social Media OutletsTarsila Seara
Courtney NewberrySmall Island Taphonomy in Western AustraliaR. Christopher O’Brien
Laura NolteriekeDelinquency in the Caribbean: Stakeholder Perceptions of Root CausesKevin Barnes-Ceeney
Amanda PeplerNanoparticle Enhanced Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in the Analysis of Explosive ResidueAlyssa Marsico
Rebecca PetersDNA Recovery Efficiency of Cyanoacrylate Fumed Samples Under Varied ConditionsDavid San Pietro
Bryan PlattMusic That Listens to the Player: How and Why Composers Implement Adaptive Music in VideogamesSimon Hutchinson
Destyne Prosper-WoodThe Effect of Cosmetic Hair Treatments on the Absorption of Environmental Drugs to Human HairAlyssa Marsico
NikkiAnn RyanPublic Perception of Law Enforcement Training in ConnecticutKento Yasuhara
Tyler SansoneA Novel Approach for Treating Antibiotic Resistance: Isolation and Identification of Bacteriophages that Infect Staphylococcus aureusAnna Kloc
Noah ScarpelliThe Use of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for the Identification of Bullet HolesVirginia Maxwell
Gabrielle SchneiderKinetic Evaluation of Ethanol-based Inhibition of Glutamine SynthetaseRobert Powers
Joey StancaCan $2500 Sounds Like a Number 1 Hit Song?: A Study in the Subjective Differences of Audio EquipmentZachary Goldberg
Julia SutterIdentification of Novel Viruses and Mutations Contributing to Myocarditis from Human Heart Biopsy SamplesAnna Kloc
Antonio TeixeiraPhenotypic Analysis of S. aureus strains from University Student Health Centers and Environmental ControlsNikolas Stasulli
Grace TokarskiDifferences in Cultures: Arab and AmericanHalima Belemlih
Erica TraskA Preliminary Evaluation of Hostage Negotiation ProceduresJohn DeCarlo
David Schroeder
Alyssa TuccinardiInvestigating the Efficacy of DNA Damage with Bleach in Forensic Laboratories and at Crime ScenesAngie Ambers
Ryan ZdenekForensic Investigation of 3D Printed Polymers Using Vibrational SpectroscopyBrooke Kammrath
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