Modifications to Housing and/or Dining Options

The University of New Haven strives to provide a variety of housing and dietary arrangements to suit our students’ needs. We recognize, however, that there are circumstances where specific requests and accommodations may need to be considered. 

Students requesting consideration for housing modifications, including but not limited to specific types of rooms (e.g. single room, double room), access to specific facilities/equipment within a room (e.g. bathroom or cooking facilities, roll-in or transfer showers), use of alternatives due to a medical condition (e.g. air conditioning) or requests for emotional support animals (ESAs) should complete the Modified Housing/Dining process as outlined in the procedures below. 

The Accessibility Resources Center (ARC) and the Office of Residential Life work collaboratively to provide approved housing accommodations for students with documented disabilities. The Accessibility Resources Center will engage in an interactive process with each student and review requests for accommodations on an individualized, case-by-case basis. Specific residence halls, room types and/or meal plan options are not guaranteed. 

Modified Housing/Dining Procedures

  • Students must have already applied for campus housing and paid the appropriate room deposit. 
  • Students must then submit a completed Modified Housing Application to the Accessibility Resources Center including the appropriate documentation by using our Health Care Provider Verification -Modified Housing/Dining or Verification of Disability Form for ESA Requests Only
  • Once you have completed the online registration process you will receive an email from our Accessibility Services Coordinator, who will work with you for the duration of your program in relation to any accommodation needs. You must attend a meeting to discuss your modified housing, modified dining, or ESA request. 
  • Applications can be submitted at any time with the understanding that you may be placed on a waitlist to receive approved accommodation if submitted after applicable deadlines including but not limited to: Housing Application deadline, Room Deposit deadline, Modified Housing Renewal deadline as well as the deadlines listed below for initial requests. 

Students must submit all required documents for their application to be reviewed by the Accessibility Resources Center. Failure to provide all the documentation will result in a delay of a timely approval. 

Notification of approval or denial for all requested accommodations will be sent to student’s university email account after you attend your 1:1 Modified Housing meeting.

Dining Accommodations Only: 
The University of New Haven Dining Service Team is committed to providing students with an exceptional dining experience that considers various dietary needs and lifestyle choices. The menus are designed to accommodate students who are gluten free, as well as those who prefer a vegan or vegetarian diet. Students requesting modified dining options will have the opportunity to meet with the Dining Services to review their dietary concerns, to be made aware of available resources and alternatives, and to assure an appropriate determination can be made regarding the request. 

Incomplete Requests: 

Students that have submitted an application but have not finalized a modified housing request due to missing information/documents will be notified via their university email address. 

Modified Housing/Dining/ESA Renewals: 

Modified Housing, Modified Dining and ESAs are approved for up to one academic year and must be renewed. Students are required to confirm their wish to renew accommodations each academic year. All approved students will be notified via their university email of the renewal process in January. Students must submit their Modified Housing Renewal Form by the stated February 3rd deadline. 

Renewals should be completed as early as possible as some students may be required to submit updated documentation, and documentation must be received by the Feb 3rd deadline for the renewal to be considered. 

In addition, students approved for modified housing must be in good financial standing with the Bursar’s Office, must have submitted their Room Deposit, and have completed their Housing Application by the published deadline (See Room Selection Process).

Depending on the housing modification approved, a student may have the opportunity to request a roommate(s). Intended roommates must be in good financial standing with the Bursar’s Office, must have submitted their Room Deposit, and have completed their Housing Application by the published deadline.

Students provided the opportunity to request roommate(s) will work with the Office of Residential Life about available housing options and permitted roommate group sizes. Students must have confirmed their intent to live in residential housing to re-apply for modified housing for the new academic year. 

The Appeal Process: 

The Accessibility Services Center will review requests for modified housing and/or dining options. A letter will be sent to the student confirming or denying the request. If the request is denied, students have the option to appeal the decision the following way: 

Appeal the decision with additional medical documentation for reconsideration that addresses the impact of the student’s condition on his/her ability to live in university housing. New documentation should be uploaded in AIM or emailed to 

Requests for Use of an Air Conditioner due to Medical Reasons: 

Students approved for the use of an air conditioner will be placed in a residence hall either with central air conditioning or in a room/suite/apartment where an air conditioner is currently installed by a University Facilities staff member. Due to Fire Code restrictions, students/parents may not bring or install any type of AC in their room on their own. Room placements will be at the discretion of the Office of Residential Life based on availability. 

Modified Housing/Dining Request Deadlines

New Students:  The entire Modified Housing/Dining Packet should be submitted to the Accessibility Resources Center by July 1st prior to the start of the Fall semester and by January 1st prior to the start of Spring semester. Any request received after the July 1st and January 1st deadlines will risk delay or substitution.

For Returning Students Making New Requests:  Students should also submit the entire Modified Housing/Dining Packet to the Accessibility Resources Center by the January 1 deadline prior to the start of the Spring semester. Students making requests for the following Fall semester must submit their completed packet by January 20th. 

Meetings will be held to discuss requests completed by the deadlines. Students will receive an email with information regarding 1:1 meeting availability.

Modified Housing

Emergency requests for modified housing received after the deadlines listed above or during the course of a semester will be given consideration only with the acknowledgement by the student that specific requests for room accommodation may not be possible in the middle of an academic year due to the majority of students being assigned a room for the fall in which they continue for the full academic year.  Late requests may result in delay or substitution.

Modified Dining

Requests for modified dining received after the deadlines listed above will generally not be given consideration for the current semester. Late requests, excepting emergencies (e.g. conditions diagnosed after the deadline), will result in requests not being considered until the following semester.

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