Temporary Medical Conditions


Temporary medical conditions may be covered under the American with Disabilities Act as amended in 2008. Temporary medical conditions for this purpose are those that occur and are expected to be short term incapacitations while the student is enrolled in current semester classes. Examples may include broken bones, concussions, major surgeries resulting in functional limitation, mental health exacerbations, hospitalizations, or any other condition which result in a functional limitation.

The Accessibility Resources Center will attempt to assist students with temporary medical conditions in their efforts to remain enrolled in courses. Assistance is determined on a case-by-case basis and is dependent upon the nature of each course and the method of instruction as it relates to the student’s functional limitations. Accommodations are extended to the student with temporary conditions for the duration of their functional limitations associated with the condition. 

Temporary medical conditions can occur at any point during the semester, the timing can significantly impact the accommodation options available to the student. Timely and open communication with ARC about the nature and duration of the condition and requested assistance should happen as soon as injury occurs, and student has been seen by a physician or other healthcare provider or licensed professional. Students will be required to provide regular updates until they are cleared for full participation in their academics by their physician.

Documentation should be dated and on signed letterhead from a physician or other health care provider or licensed professional with the following information provided: 

  • A clear statement of the temporary medical condition, symptoms, and the expected length of the condition.
  • Current impact the condition has on the student’s daily functioning and learning and any barriers the student is currently facing due to the medical condition or impairment
  • The physician’s recommended accommodations, if available. 
  • Name & Title, license number with state (if applicable), the address, phone number, fax number and e-mail address and signature of the evaluator or medical professional.

Student must complete the Temporary Medical Conditions Form and submit appropriate medical documentation for review. In the event the injury is significant enough that it warrants a student not attending classes for more than a week or two, a medical withdrawal may be necessary, but all situations will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

NOTE:  Personal care and/or care of any ESAs cannot be provided for any temporary medical conditions.  If needed, this is the responsibility of the student and/or family to acquire.

The ARC has wheelchairs available for loan. There is a limited supply, and they will only be loaned out for short term use (1 day to 1 week).  

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