Policy on Emotional Support Animals


According to University policy, animals, including pets of any kind (excepting fish in small tanks of five (5) gallons or less) are not permitted on University of New Haven campuses or in  university housing facilities with the exception of Service Animals.

However, the University is committed to providing access to its programs and services, as such, the University permits qualified students with disabilities who require one, to have an Emotional Support Animal (hereafter referred to as an ESA) as a reasonable accommodation in university residence halls.  An ESA will be permitted to live in a student’s personal residence provided it is in compliance with the University’s policies regarding such animals.


Emotional Support Animal.  Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) are animals that provide emotional support which alleviates one or more identified symptoms or effects of an individual’s existing disability. To be considered an accommodation, an ESA must be required by an individual with a disability, in their residence, in order for the individual to have an equal opportunity to use and enjoy their residence/dwelling.

Dangerous, poisonous, illegal, or any other animals that pose a direct threat to the health and/or safety of the campus community will not be permitted as ESAs. Size restrictions may also apply. Animals whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support are Emotional Support Animals, not Service Animals.  For policies applicable to Service Animals, consult the student handbook.  

Approved ESA.  Approved Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) are animals that have been permitted in designated areas of student housing as a reasonable accommodation under this policy. 

Pet.  A pet is an animal kept for ordinary use and companionship.  A pet is not considered an Emotional Support Animal nor a Service Animal.  Individuals are not permitted to keep or bring pets on university property or in university housing except as stated above.

Owner.  The Owner is the resident student who has an approved Emotional Support Animal (ESA) in university housing under this policy.

University Housing.  Any facility owned or operated by the University for the purpose of housing residential students, whether leased or owned.

Emotional Support Animal Application and Approval Process

A student seeking to keep an ESA in university housing must notify the Residential Life Office and make a formal request through Accessibility Resources Center.  To do so, the student must submit a written notification of his/her need for an ESA along with their room deposit AND must complete and submit a Request for Modifications to Housing including appropriate documentation to the Accessibility Resources Center by the stated deadlines.  Documentation should not be submitted with your written notice to Residential Life. Documentation submitted to Campus Access Services must be recent, must be from a qualified professional (treating physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker or other mental health professional), and must include a statement identifying a diagnosed medical or psychological disability and the reason (for what functional limitation) the ESA is required. There must be an identifiable and clearly established relationship between the individual’s disability and the assistance the animal provides. 

Once an application for Modified Housing has been received, it will be reviewed by the ADA/504/FHA Committee for approval or denial. The ADA/504/FHA Committee will consider any and all relevant city, state and local ordinances when approving or denying any ESA request.  Students will be notified of the Committee’s decision in writing.  Once notified, the student must meet with a staff member of the Accessibility Resources Center to review and sign this policy, and to submit all appropriate documentation of the animals vaccinations and health.  Copies of the animal’s documents will be kept on file both in the Accessibility Resources Center and the Office of Residential Life and Housing.

While applications submitted after stated deadlines may be accepted, they will not be heard until the next scheduled meeting of the ADA/504/FHA Committee.   Late applicants risk delay, substitution, or denial of their requested accommodation; given the high demand for University housing it is unlikely the the University will have sufficient vacancies to accommodate late applicants.  Any approval under this policy is valid for one academic year. Students must notify the Accessibility Resources Center of their desire to continue utilizing this accommodation for each subsequent year. 

Office of Residential Life & Housing Notifications and Student’s Appeal Rights  

If the request for an ESA is approved, the University will notify the Owner, who will be required to sign this policy.  Failure or refusal to sign this policy will be presumed to be an indication that the student does not intend to abide by the policy and will result in a revocation of the approval. 

During the housing application process, the Office of Residence Life and Housing will inform students that they may encounter Approved ESAs in the residence halls.   Resident students with medical condition(s) who may be affected by an Approved ESA (e.g., respiratory diseases, asthma, severe allergies) are asked to inform Residential Life during the housing application process, or at any other time, if they have a health or safety related concern about exposure to an Approved ESA. 

All roommates or suitemates of the Owner must acknowledge in writing that the Approved ESA will be in residence with them.  In the event that one or more prospective roommates or suitemates do not approve, or have a health or safety related concern regarding exposure to the Approved ESA, general university policies regarding roommate or suitemate disagreements will be followed to enable either the Owner and the Approved ESA or the non-approving roommate(s) or suitemate(s) to be moved to a different location.  Written acknowledgement from a parent is required for roommates or suitemates under age 18.

In light of potential health or safety concerns of other residents, the Office of Residence Life and Housing staff will make a reasonable effort to notify the other residents on the floor or in the residence hall where the Approved ESA will be located.  Typically, there will be a posting at the entrance to the floor/residence hall where an animal is present.  The notice will be limited to information about the Approved ESA’s presence: there will be no disclosure of the student’s disability. The Accessibility Resources Center and Residence Life staff will collaborate, as necessary, to resolve conflicts related to an Approved ESA. Staff members will consider the needs and/or accommodations of all resident students involved.

The requesting student may appeal a denial of a request for an Approved ESA within five business days to the Dean of Students or designee.  The student must appeal the denial in writing.  The decision of the Dean of Students or designee is final.

Owner’s Responsibilities for Approved ESAs in University Housing

The Owner must comply with the following provisions regarding behavior and care of Approved ESAs:

Vaccination.  In accordance with local ordinances and regulations, the Approved ESA must receive all required and/or recommended immunizations against diseases.  Local licensing requirements must be followed.  The University may request an updated verification regarding an Approved ESA’s vaccinations at any time during the ESA’s residency, but verification will at a minimum be required at the start of each year the animal is in residence.

Health.  Approved ESAs must be in good health as documented annually by a licensed veterinarian.  The University has authority to direct that the Approved ESA receive veterinary attention in appropriate circumstances.

Control.  The Owner must be in full control of the Approved ESA at all times.  The ESA must remain in the Owner’s residence hall room at all times and be on a leash, harness, or other tether, or in an appropriate crate when being transported to and from the student’s residence hall room. The ESA must remain within the confines of the Owner’s residence hall room except for transport.

Cleanliness.  It is the Owner’s responsibility to remove and properly dispose of the Approved ESA’s waste (e.g. urine, excrement, fur, cage shavings, etc.), which must be placed in a sturdy plastic bag before disposal, and must be disposed of in an outside trash receptacle.  An Approved ESA must be clean and well groomed, and measures should be taken at all times for flea, tick, or other infestations and odor control.  The Owner will be held responsible for any room damages, including excess cleaning and/or replacement of any carpeting or furnishings.

Other Conditions
  • The Owner is responsible for assuring that the Approved ESA does not unduly interfere or adversely affect the routine activities of university housing or other residents.  In addition, the Approved ESA must not pose a threat to the health, safety, or property of anyone in the University of New Haven’s community. 
  • The care and supervision of the Approved ESA is solely the responsibility of the Owner.  The Owner is responsible for ensuring the safety of an Approved ESA and the University community.  If it is suspected that an ESA is being neglected,  mistreated, or has been abandoned, the University may contact the animal control division of the West Haven Police Department.  The animal may be removed without warning if removal is warranted due to safety concerns.
  • The Owner is financially responsible for the Approved ESA, including for any bodily injury or property damage caused by the Approved ESA.  The Owner’s financial responsibility may include replacement of furniture, carpet, window, wall covering, and costs of damage to other University owned property.  The Owner is expected to cover these costs at the time of repair and/or move-out.
  • The Owner must notify the Accessibility Resources Center and Residential Life in writing if the Approved ESA is no longer needed or is no longer in residence.  To replace an Approved  ESA, the Owner must submit a new written request to Campus Access Services for review by the ADA/504/FHA Committee.
  • The Owner agrees to abide by all other University policies, including all university housing policies.  Any violation of this policy may result in immediate removal of the Approved ESA from the University.  Reported violations will be reviewed by the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs.  
  • Approved ESAs may not be left overnight in student housing without the Owner being present.  Approved ESAs must be taken with the Owner if the Owner leaves campus overnight.  The Owner must make proper arrangements for the care of an ESA while the residence halls are closed for breaks.  The need to care for an Approved ESA is not on its own a valid reason for permission to stay on campus over a break or any other period when university housing is closed.  
  • Approved ESAs (caged or noncaged) must be in a crate or cage when the Owner is absent from the room and/or when university personnel are present in the room to complete work orders.
  • Approved ESAs are not permitted to display behaviors or create noises that are deemed disruptive to others (e.g. excessive barking, growling, biting, hissing, scratching), unless said noises/behaviors are part of the needed disability service to the Owner.
  • The University may require an Owner to remove his or her Approved ESA when it is out of control and the Owner does not take action to control it, when it is not housebroken, or when it poses a threat to health and safety.
  • The University may prohibit the use of Approved ESAs in certain locations due to health or safety hazards, where ESAs may be endangered, or where their use may compromise or fundamentally alter the nature of a program or activity. (For example, dining facilities located within the residential facility).
  • From time to time, the University may use pesticides, pest control devices, de-icing materials, cleaning supplies, and other materials for the maintenance and operation of university housing.  The University is not responsible/liable for harm to an Approved ESA permitted to reside with an Owner in university housing.  The university will make an effort to notify students in advance so that if the student feels the need to remove or otherwise protect their ESA, they may do so.
  • The Owner will provide emergency contact information for an individual should the Owner be unable to care for the ESA at any time. A current University student or University personnel (unless the university personnel are the parents/guardians of the student) are not appropriate choices for an emergency contact and will not be permitted.
Revocation of Approval

The University will take appropriate measures, up to and including revocation of approval for an ESA if, among other reasons:

  • The Owner violates any term of this policy, after notice and reasonable opportunity to cure when possible;
  • The Approved ESA is no longer needed to assist with a disability;
  • The University determines that the Approved ESA is a direct threat to the health, safety, or property of anyone in the University community, or that the Approved ESA is adversely affecting University’s programs and activities  or
  • The University discovers that false or misleading information was provided in the Owner’s application for approval of an Approved ESA.

The University reserves the right to make an interim accommodation while determining appropriate measures.

The requesting student may appeal revocation of approval of a previously Approved ESA within five business days of the notice of revocation to the Dean of Students or designee.  The student must do so in writing.  The decision of the Dean of Students or designee is final.  

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