Communication Majors Create Documentary about Classmate’s Transformation from Incarceration to College Student

Last weekend, a group of communication majors hosted the premier of “Fresh Start: A Marcus Harvin Story,” a powerful documentary they created about Marcus Harvin ’23 A.S., ’25 that chronicles his transformation from incarceration to college student and community advocate. More than 60 members of Charger Nation and the local community attended.

The film was created by Elisa Broche ’26, Jay Sanders ’26, and Gabriel Nelson’ 27.

“‘Fresh Start: A Marcus Harvin Story’ is not just a documentary, it is a narrative of hope, resilience, and the potential for redemption,” the filmmakers said. “Marcus’s journey serves as an inspiration for countless individuals seeking a fresh start, demonstrating that no obstacle is insurmountable with the right mindset and support.”

Learn more about the screening and the film.

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