Researcher Responsibilities

Congratulations on your award! Below are some guidelines for both the technical/content portions of your project and the financial reporting.  Copies of reports to funding agencies must be filed with OGSP and Finance. 

See also policies and procedures link.

Coming soon: sponsor requirements for compliance with terms and conditions.

CITI Program Training

The University has partnered with the CITI Training Program to offer on-line research ethics and compliance education. Instructions on how to access this may be found here.  This program is available to all University faculty, staff, and students. 

What is CITI Program?
CITI Program is dedicated to promoting the public’s trust in the research enterprise by providing high quality, peer-reviewed, web-based educational courses in research, ethics, regulatory oversight, responsible conduct in research, and research administration.

CITI Course Modules include:
  Animal Care and Use; IACUC
  Biosafety and Biosecurity
  Clinical Research Topics
  Conflicts of Interest
  Disaster Planning for the Research Enterprise
  Essentials of Research Administration
  Export Compliance
  Essentials of Statistical Analysis
  Good Laboratory Practice
  Healthcare Ethics Committee
  Human Subjects Research
  Responsible Conduct of Research

Award Closeout:

Please work with the Finance Director for Grants and Sponsored Programs during the award closeout process. 

University-Industry Collaboration

See and hear the powerpoint presentation from the University of Georgia, Office of Research about Industry Engagement: Enhance University-Industry Collaboration: Case Study of UGA’s Industry Engagement Team and Industry Express Program

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