Study Groups

Why a study group?
  • Research shows that students who study in groups do better than students who study alone.
  • Students often learn more when working with others.
  • The commitment students make to a group may help them stay on task.
  • Students may benefit from exposure to different learning styles.
Who needs a study group?
  • All students can benefit from discussing what they know with other students.
How to get started?
  • Talk to other students in the class.
  • Ask for help from the professor.
  • Choose dependable students from a variety of backgrounds and academic levels.
  • Use the “Study Buddies” feature in Navigate
Set the ground rules:
  • Establish a purpose; a set of common goals.
  • Pick a time and place that works for everyone; set up a schedule and stick to it.
  • Socialize after the session.
  • Optimal group size is between 3 and 6 students.
  • Designate a chairperson who will be responsible for reserving the space and setting the agenda for each session.
  • Divide portions of the study material among group members.  Each member will be responsible for leading a discussion on his/her assigned portion.
  • Always come prepared; read the material, do the homework, bring all notes and books related to the topic of the session.
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