Study Strategies

Most students have a set of study skills that came naturally to them. There are other skills that are developed with practice and time.  There may also be study skills that you are unaware of that will be very helpful as you make your way through college and beyond.  These tips and tools will help you develop your own personal set of effective strategies to learn deeply and remember longer.

Note Taking

10 Tips for Note Taking: Learn how to organize your notes and improve your note taking skills

Note Taking Systems (

Cornell Method Note Taking

Outline Method Note Taking (

Textbook Reading

Textbook Reading Strategies (

Annotating Your Textbook (

Test Preparation

Tips for Preparing for Exams: Use these tips to develop study habits in preparation for exams

Tips for Studying: These 10 easy steps will help you develop stress-free study habits

Emergency Test Preparation: (

Using Flashcards: (

Test Taking Strategies: (

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